July 16, 2013

Time has come to fully enjoy the summer and to adapt our wardrobe. No need to splurge the stores to create eye catching and very personal styles. Always remember that a silk scarf - your BFF - can do miracles!

At ANNE TOURAINE Paris™ we love to create silky halter tops from our 36x36" scarves.

A few things in case you would wonder...

■ You don't need a special scarf buckle to create a halter top: simply tie the two upper tips of your scarf behind your neck (this method is detailed in the ANNE TOURAINE Paris™ guide delivered with each square silk scarf) or use a sturdy necklace and tie your scarf directly on it with a small knot. 

■ A silk scarf as a halter top is fabulous on EVERY WOMAN - and not only on top models... If you feel uncomfortable, prefer a loose and fluffy style - with the two top tips tied around your neck: it helps to hide curves and the good point is you don't even need to wear a bra...

■ As a street style, a silky halter top is adorable too under a jacket.      


Pink, green or white and brown silk scarf, jacket or no jacket, with or without a necklace... are you on for a silk scarf as a halter top?

Join the ANNE TOURAINE PARIS Silk Scarf Club