October 06, 2013

Are you getting tired of your handbag(s)? If so, it’s time to make a decision!

We offer 3 options... 

 Keep your bag as it is... Not very exciting :-( 

 Buy on a new bag... you will probably be tired of in a few months :-(

Revamp all your bags and have fun! :-) :-)


Let's talk about option #3 which, obviously, sounds like the most entertaining option: what if you could zest up and customize your purse in many different ways with just a stunning and unique silk scarf?

To start with, grab your purse and your favorite ANNE TOURAINE Paris™ scarf/scarves (if you don't have one already, it's time to treat yourself or to work on your Christmas 2013 wish list). Then think about your day: will you keep your bag in your hands all day long, will you have a bag hook nearby in case you need one? Are you looking for a casual or a more dressed-up style? 

Once you have answered these few questions, then do like all Parisian and trendy women do: play with your scarf. Make it the statement of your bag…

To create all these styles, you can use any scarf of our collections: a twill silk square scarf - size 90x90cm (36x36") or 70x70cm (27x27") or a chiffon silk scarf - size 170x67cm (67x26in). If you are using a square twill silk scarf, you can either fold it into a short ribbon or into a long band (diagonal folding).

One thing you want to remember: if you like a long flowing scarf (very romantic), make sure it never trails on the ground. If you have to put your bag on the floor, make a large bow with your scarf so that it will remain safe and clean no matter what. Remember also that straps, buckles, and zips are all perfect places where to tie your scarf.

Time to play.... Have fun!


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